Friday, February 22, 2013

A wedding cake done a few  years back. 

Chandelier Cake for Dyan Dyan & Dexter. 

For Scott who , the giver says, loves to hunt deer.

Cake inspired by a wedding cake of a Zobel grand daughter. 

An ideally sized pillow cake. 

Debut with pink, chartreuse & brown as color combinations.
(Not fondant)
This is for a Silver Wedding Anniversary 
- obviously things have gotten more relaxed between the mr. & mrs.

Really, nothing beats figure piping with the regular "marshmallow" icing. A real test for creativity, hand control and imagination. And it's fun!!!

This is not fondant - can we call it sculptured meringue icing? 

So honored to do the debut cake of  Mayor Jed Mabilog's daughter. It was ordered through Alex Soncio over the phone - he gave me a freehand in planning the cake with  the colors (blue & pink) as inspiration. Thank you Jomz for the photos.